Catalogs for German coins
Besides looking for information on German coins online, you may want to dig a little deeper and maybe even want to conduct some research on old coins from Germany. That is the point were the vast amount of numismatic literature comes in. There are many different books about the history of German coinage, specific rulers, specific periods of time and even specific coin types. In the following you will find a few examples for a German coins catalog, that are helpful in order to sort your collection or determine the value of your coins.
In Germany, collectors usually use catalogs by Kurt Jäger, who systematically created a great overview for German coins that were minted from 1871 onwards. Another good catalog to work with is the "Standard Catalog of German Coins: 1501 - Present" published by Krause. It contains loads of information and covers an impressively large period of time.
Below, you can seea list of many helpful books and catalogs about old German coins.
German coins catalog for coinage from 1871 to 1945 and onwards
'Standard Catalog of German Coins: 1501 to Present'
George S. Cuhaj, Deborah McCue, Thomas Michael, 2011 (latest edition)
(You can buy this catalog here)
'Catalogue of German Coins Gold, silver and minor coins since 1800, with their valuations'
Paul Arnold, Dirk Steinhilber, Harald Kuthmann, 2010 (latest edition)
(You can buy this catalog here)
'Die deutschen Münzen seit 1871: Bewertungen mit aktuellen Marktpreisen'
Kurt Jäger, Michael Kurt Sonntag, 2015 (latest edition)
'Standard Catalog of German Coins'
N. Douglas Nicol, Norman D. Nicol, Colin R. Bruce II, 1998 (latest edition)
(You can buy this catalog here)
'Kleiner deutscher Münzkatalog: von 1871 bis heute'
Gerhard Schön, Günter Schön, 2015 (latest edition)
'Großer deutscher Münzkatalog: von 1800 bis heute'
Arnold, Küthmann, Steinhilber, Faßbender, 2016 (latest edition)
German coins catalog for German States (before 1871)
A great book on coins from Prussia and Brandenburg is "Brandenburg-preußische Münzprägungen", published by Erich Neumann in 1998 in the Münzzentrum Verlag Köln. It comes in two volumes that both together consist of about 1000 pages of information on coins from the regions of Brandenburg and Prussia. It covers all coins that have been minted between 1415 and 1918 and comes with plenty of extra information about the electorate of Brandenburg and the Kingdom of Prussia. It also covers provincial coinage that was struck under Prussian rule and even war issues that at first glance do not have anything to do with prussian coins but were minted in the mid 1700s for occupied territories such as Saxony. Besides, it includes a price list. (that due to the release date are stated in the currency of German Mark).
However, this book is not very easy to come by. With some patience you can find it being up for auction at some (most likely) German coin auction or on ebay. Because the book was sold out quite quickly, you will not be able to find a new example. Still, you can find these volumes in used but generally good condition. Because they are pretty sought after you will probably need to pay up to 100 € to get both issues. Even though that might be a bit expensive for a coin catalog you will not regret your purchase. My experience is that after receiving my copy of the book I immediately realized how helpful it would be for identifying and evaluating coins.